About Miss Kara

Hi I’m Kara, and this is what I’m about

– Each and every one of us deserves to be happy. Is that a big call? Well when so many people are pondering what is the purpose of life, I simply say “To be happy…to enjoy life with balance…to live in gratitude for what is and appreciate many moments each day, in any healthy way you can”

– Sounds all a bit hippie to me? Well, I challenge you here to stop, take a moment to think about something in your life you are truly grateful for. Now do this for 30 seconds with your eyes closed and see how many you can come up with…and go.

– How many did you come up with? 1, 2, 3? And how satisfied are you with your answers? Do you think there are more things you can be grateful for?

– Now let’s do it again for another 30 seconds…and go.

– How many this time?

– Isn’t it great to know that you have something to be grateful for, right now, in your life and that you can do this more and more each and every day.

– Now after just 2 minutes of your day and this simple exercise you can see that with the right techniques your life purpose has already been achieved, to be happy, and that’s just with writing on the screen.

– So now let me take you on a Sound Healing journey where I will use all my heart and soul to deliver cellular healing and relaxation to you on a deeper level using my vocals, my sacred tibetian bowls, deep drum and more.

– Here’s my BIO
Kara’s interest in Health and Healing began in high school which led her to complete a Bachelor of Applied Science Health Promotion at Deakin University in Melbourne. Having also trained as a vocalist under Frank Sita at the Stia School of music in Melbourne for 6 years, Kara (aka mISSkARA), now lives and performs across the Gold Coast and surrounding areas. Her varied training and experience has seen her perform across many genres ranging from folk, indi, classical, rock to house/tech house & techno in her DJ sets. This multi-instrumentalist began learning music at a young age in primary school where she first took up the violin & later learning the keyboard briefly. Nowadays she is either sporting a guitar, singing her heart out or dropping fat beats in a DJ set. 

– And as if that wasn’t enough, Kara also has been involved in a number of dance music collaborations worldwide. Listen to her collaboration with Melbourne/Singapore based music producer ASHMACRO here:


– Kara has had a strong pull towards the sound healing and ethereal vocals arena for a number of years now and in 2020 this begun its reality with her first sound healing event appearances and private sound sessions…thus melding the health education and experience with her varied music skills, 

– In a sound session Kara will grace your ears with her vocal skills, bowls, drum, bells and channeled ethereal sounds so you are sure to revel in the softness and strength of her heart felt transmission.